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Striving for







At Listerdale Junior Academy, we set out to deliver a high quality science education which provides pupils with the foundations for understanding the world through biology, chemistry and physics. 

Science at Listerdale is about developing children's ideas and allowing them to explore, question and make sense of the world in which they live. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future.  Our curriculum intends to provide children with rich, varied opportunities to pave the way for them  to eagerly become innovative Scientists of the future. Science teaching at Listerdale School involves adapting and extending the curriculum to match all pupils' needs and abilities.



Our enquiry based science curriculum is ambitious and science teaching at Listerdale School involves adapting and extending the curriculum to match all pupils' needs. Science units, taught in each year group, cover key skills and concepts and are planned to build on existing knowledge and experiences.

At Listerdale, we provide rich learning experiences and our teaching and learning aims to extend our children's understanding of scientific concepts further.  

Additionally, lessons focus on supporting pupils to develop knowledge of key skills, guiding pupils to apply this in practise. We want our children to operate as successful scientists, and therefore strive to teach a wide range of essential enquiry skills starting from an early age. These scientific skills are introduced through early years foundation stage and pupils then continue to develop these further throughout their journey in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. 

Additionally, each class has their own science journal to record how they are working as scientists. Pupils enjoy working collaboratively to question, predict, observe  and record during science lessons!

At Listerdale, we want to children to know and remember more in order to provide them the foundations which they can build upon as they progress through each year group.To support with this, knowledge organsiers have been carefully designed to enrich teaching and learning of our science curriculum.  These are useful documents which outline key concepts and vocabulary for each science unit. These are a fantastic tool which children can refer back to at any point to support them in recalling key facts and revisiting taught vocabulary. 



The impact of quality Science teaching across Listerdale will ensure that at each level the children will:

  • Develop a wider variety of skills linked to scientific knowledge and understanding and scientific enquiry/investigative skills

  • A richer vocabulary which will enable them to articulate their understanding of taught concepts.

  • High aspirations, which will see them through to further study, work and a successful adult life

The impact of our Science curriculum will be shown through:

  • Pupils are able to talk about their experiences.

  • Following the MER cycle, regular monitoring of books, lessons and pupil voice.

  • Pupils understand the importance of science and can make links to real life contexts.

Science at Listerdale








British Science Week 2024

The theme for the 2024 British Science Week was ‘time.’ Time is key to so many discoveries in science, technology, engineering and maths!

At Listerdale, we explored space travel as well as discovering how engineering has taken us into space, landed us safely on the Moon and explored planets too far for human travel! Children were excited and engaged about science and enjoyed taking part in lots of activities linked to the theme.

Children thoroughly enjoyed their planetarium show. Inside the dome, children learnt about the fascinating planets, stars, astronauts and much more. It was an unforgettable experience here in our school hall!

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