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Striving for




School Council


Our School Council

Listerdale Academy values pupil voice, and we believe all of our children have the right to share their thoughts and feelings about their school life and learning environment. They help to ensure that school is a happy and safe place for all of our children. We have an active school council who provide a vital voice for our learners. We believe that Pupil Voice is a huge part of what makes our school so great! Each day, we find opportunities to listen to the views of our children and involve them in decision making processes.

What is the school council?
The impact of Pupil Voice is everywhere — be it in class, influencing the decisions about school life and organising projects that support learning and development such as organising charity events, theme days or representing the school at outside events. As a member of School Council, advocating on behalf of children in their class; or during focus groups, allowing children to speak freely and honestly about their experiences of school and how to make them even better.

School Councillors have been voted by their peers to represent their class and this is carried out through a democratic vote at the start of each school year demonstrating democracy in action. The school council has representatives from EYFS-Y6.

Why have a school council?

To help children develop responsible attitudes and independence
To improve children’s behaviour in school.
To give children hands-on experience of issues in the National Curriculum, including RSHE and Citizenship.
To create a feeling of belonging, encourage listening to others and develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
To improve pupil/teacher relationships.